How to Implement Behavior Driven Development in Agile Development?

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is an Agile software development methodology that focuses on collaboration, communication, and automation.

BDD evolved from Test-driven development (TDD) and emphasizes the use of user stories and acceptance criteria to guide development and testing. In this section, we will define BDD, discuss its history and evolution, and compare it to TDD.

Key Concepts and Benefits of BDD

BDD is based on several key concepts and practices that make it unique and beneficial to Agile development teams. These concepts include user stories, acceptance criteria, collaboration, communication, automation, and code quality. In this section, we will explore each of these concepts in detail and explain how they contribute to the success of BDD.

How to Implement BDD in Agile Development?

Implementing BDD requires a step-by-step process that involves collaboration with stakeholders, creation of scenarios, automation of scenarios, and iteration. In this section, we will outline the five steps to implementing BDD in Agile development.

working person

1. Start with User Stories

The first step in BDD is to start with user stories that define the features and functionality of the software from the user’s perspective. User stories should be simple, concise, and focus on the user’s goals and needs and should be written in a way that is understandable to everyone involved in the project.

2. Define Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance criteria are the conditions that must be met for the user story to be considered complete. These criteria should be specific, measurable, and testable.

3. Create Scenarios with Given-When-Then Format

Scenarios are specific examples that illustrate how the user story and acceptance criteria will be implemented. Scenarios should be written in the Given-When-Then format, which describes the initial state (Given), the action being taken (When), and the expected outcome (Then).

4. Automate the Scenarios with Tools

Once the scenarios have been created, they can be automated with tools such as Cucumber or SpecFlow. This allows the team to test the scenarios automatically and ensure that they continue to function as expected.

5. Collaborate and Iterate with Stakeholders

Throughout the BDD process, it is important to collaborate and iterate with stakeholders to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the software is meeting their needs. Regular feedback and communication can help to identify any issues early on and ensure that the final product is of high quality.

Best Practices for Successful BDD

To get the most out of BDD, it is important to follow some best practices. These practices include involving stakeholders in scenario creation, using real-world examples and data, keeping scenarios simple and focused, automating only what is necessary, and integrating BDD with other Agile practices such as continuous integration and continuous delivery.

BDD has been successfully implemented in a variety of industries, including e-commerce, healthcare, finance, and open-source projects. In this section, we will explore some real-world examples and case studies of BDD in action.

How to record your automated BDD web application tests with Test Evolve Flare?


In conclusion, BDD is a powerful Agile methodology that can help development teams to collaborate, communicate, and automate their testing process. By following best practices and involving stakeholders throughout the process, teams can ensure that their software meets the needs of their users and is of high quality.

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